The field of ICLT is growing at an exponential rate. It seems that on a monthly and sometimes weekly basis, new technologies are presented to us. Our students face a vastly different world from that which we knew. Schools have the responsibility of ensuring that students are well equipped to operate in a rapidly changing learning environment.
Student learning is greatly enhanced through the use of technology within our school. It is our aim to further the integration of information technology across the curriculum through ongoing staff professional learning and the development of students’ skills. Learning experiences are enhanced through student and staff access to iPads, laptops, digital cameras, data projectors and colour printers as well as desktop publishing programs and other software programs that support learning in the classroom. Every classroom has an interactive digital projector. Students from Year 3 had 1:1 laptops. The lower year levels have shared iPads. These tools are used extensively to enrich the learning opportunities presented to our students.