Immaculate Heart Catholic Primary School is a community enhanced by our devotion to Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Mary was a faithful disciple, a poor member of the people, an 'outsider', a victim of violence, a prophet of justice and a woman.

Through our prayer, liturgical life and our relationship with the parish community, we grow in the knowledge of Christ and in attentiveness to the presence of God in our lives according to the Catholic tradition.
Religious Education at Immaculate Heart Catholic Primary School has its groundings in the strong traditions of the past, enhanced by current best educational practice. Education in religious literacy of the rich and varied tradition of the Catholic faith, a deep prayer life, participation in celebration, liturgy and the sacraments and an emphasis on social justice and action are areas of emphasis of our Religious Education program. The school community nurtures the Catholic Identity of the school and promotes Christian action.
Our faith is expressed in a variety of ways at Immaculate Heart Catholic Primary School including:
Our formal Religious Education Program
School and class liturgies, celebrations and individual prayer
Links to the Parish Sacramental Program
Weekly whole school assembly
Positive relationships
Pastoral care