Our School and the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church at Leichhardt are a part of the wider Ipswich Catholic Community. Our Parish Priests are an important part of the Immaculate Heart Catholic School Community whose members look to them as:
spiritual leaders, guides and friends;
teachers of Religious Education;
resource people;
links with the wider worshipping community.
Weekend Mass Times
Following a directive from the Prime Minister of Australia, all Masses and Liturgies are suspended. Please visit the link below to watch Mass live streamed from St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Brisbane.
Sacramental Program
The Sacramental program is Parish based. Catechesis and Sacramental preparation are related, though distinct activities. Catechesis is the continuing process of faith education and development and its goal is growth in maturity of faith. The School is involved in this area of catechesis through the religious education of the child. Sacramental preparation is the specific pastoral activity, involving family and parish community that precedes and accompanies celebration of the sacraments. Notification of the Parish Sacramental program will be given each year through the Parish and School Newsletter.
For further details go to the Parish website https://www.ipswichcatholic.com/children/
or contact the Parish office on (07) 3281 2133
Image © Brisbane Catholic Education, Immaculate Heart Catholic Primary School (2023)